Episode 1

Liz Foote - Intentional and Non-Intentional Adherence

Episode notes


The focus of the podcast is to explore how we approach and manage people who choose to opt out of treatment, otherwise termed as Intentional Non- Adherence.

When we are talking about this aspect of care, non-adherence falls into two categories: Intentional and Unintentional.

Unintentional non-adherence is when a patient unintentionally struggles to take their tablets due to barriers that are beyond their control, for example forgetfulness or drug and alcohol issues. Intentional non˗adherence is when a patient intentionally decides to stop their treatment. 

About our guest

HIV Matters is joined by Liz Foote to discuss this subject. Liz is the current chair of the National HIV Nurses Association (NHIVNA) and Manager of the community HIV Specialist services in Sussex.